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Bases: Actor

Represents a player.

address property

address: SocketAddress

Gets the socket address of this player

allow_flight property writable

allow_flight: bool

If the Player is allowed to fly via jump key double-tap.

device_id property

device_id: UUID

Get the player's current device id.

device_os property

device_os: str

Get the player's current device's operation system (OS).

exp_level property writable

exp_level: int

Gets or sets the players current experience level.

exp_progress property writable

exp_progress: float

Gets or sets the players current experience progress towards the next level.

fly_speed property writable

fly_speed: float

Gets or sets the current allowed speed that a client can fly.

game_mode property writable

game_mode: GameMode

The player's current game mode.

inventory property

inventory: PlayerInventory

Get the player's inventory.

is_flying property writable

is_flying: bool

If the player is currently flying or not.

locale property

locale: str

Get the player's current locale.

ping property

ping: timedelta

Gets the player's average ping.

total_exp property

total_exp: int

Gets the players total experience points.

unique_id property

unique_id: UUID

Returns the UUID of this player

walk_speed property writable

walk_speed: float

Gets or sets the current allowed speed that a client can walk.


give_exp(amount: int) -> None

Gives the player the amount of experience specified.


give_exp_levels(amount: int) -> None

Gives the player the amount of experience levels specified.


kick(message: str) -> None

Kicks player with custom kick message.


perform_command(command: str) -> bool

Makes the player perform the given command.


send_popup(message: str) -> None

Sends this player a popup message


send_tip(message: str) -> None

Sends this player a tip message


update_commands() -> None

Send the list of commands to the client.