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Represents an object that may become a server operator and can be assigned permissions.

effective_permissions property

effective_permissions: set[PermissionAttachmentInfo]

Gets effective permissions.

is_op property writable

is_op: bool

The operator status of this object


    plugin: Plugin, name: str, value: bool
) -> PermissionAttachment

Adds a new PermissionAttachment.

add_attachment(plugin: Plugin) -> PermissionAttachment

Adds a new PermissionAttachment.


has_permission(name: str) -> bool

Checks if a permissions is available by name.

has_permission(perm: Permission) -> bool

Checks if a permissions is available by permission.


is_permission_set(name: str) -> bool

Checks if a permissions is set by name.

is_permission_set(perm: Permission) -> bool

Checks if a permissions is set by permission.


recalculate_permissions() -> None

Recalculates the permissions.


remove_attachment(attachment: PermissionAttachment) -> bool

Removes a given PermissionAttachment.


    name: str,
    description: str | None = None,
    default: PermissionDefault | None = None,
    children: dict[str, bool] | None = None,

Represents a unique permission that may be attached to a Permissible

children property

children: dict[str, bool]

Gets the children of this permission.

default property writable

The default value of this permission.

description property writable

description: str

The brief description of this permission

name property

name: str

Gets the unique fully qualified name of this Permission.

permissibles property

permissibles: set[Permissible]

Gets a set containing every Permissible that has this permission.


add_parent(name: str, value: bool) -> Permission

Adds this permission to the specified parent permission.

add_parent(perm: Permission, value: bool) -> None

Adds this permission to the specified parent permission.


recalculate_permissibles() -> None

Recalculates all Permissibles that contain this permission.


    plugin: Plugin, permissible: Permissible

Holds information about a permission attachment on a Permissible object

permissible property

permissible: Permissible

Gets the Permissible that this is attached to.

permissions property

permissions: dict[str, bool]

Gets a copy of all set permissions and values contained within this attachment.

plugin property

plugin: Plugin

Gets the plugin responsible for this attachment.

removal_callback property writable

removal_callback: Callable[[PermissionAttachment], None]

The callback to be called when this attachment is removed.


remove() -> bool

Removes this attachment from its registered Permissible.


set_permission(name: str, value: bool) -> None

Sets a permission to the given value, by its fully qualified name.

set_permission(perm: Permission, value: bool) -> None

Sets a permission to the given value.


unset_permission(name: str) -> None

Removes the specified permission from this attachment by name.

unset_permission(perm: Permission) -> None

Removes the specified permission from this attachment.


    permissible: Permissible,
    permission: str,
    attachment: PermissionAttachment,
    value: bool,

Holds information on a permission and which PermissionAttachment provides it

attachment property

Gets the attachment providing this permission.

permissible property

permissible: Permissible

Get the permissible this is attached to

permission property

permission: str

Gets the permission being set

value property

value: bool

Gets the value of this permission


PermissionDefault(value: int)

Represents the possible default values for permissions

FALSE class-attribute

NOT_OP class-attribute

NOT_OPERATOR class-attribute

NOT_OPERATOR: PermissionDefault

OP class-attribute

OPERATOR class-attribute

TRUE class-attribute

name property

name: str

value property

value: int