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Name Description

Interface to the various inventories.


Represents the metadata of a generic item.


Represents a stack of items.


Represents the metadata for a map item.


Interface to the inventory of a Player, including the four armor slots and any extra slots.


Interface to the various inventories.


Name Description

Stores the given ItemStacks in the inventory. This will try to fill existing stacks and empty slots as well as it can.


Clears out the whole Inventory.


Returns the first slot in the inventory containing an ItemStack with the given stack.


Returns the ItemStack found in the slot at the given index


Stores the ItemStack at the given index of the inventory.


Name Type Description
contents list[ItemStack]

Returns all ItemStacks from the inventory

is_empty bool

Check whether this inventory is empty. An inventory is considered to be empty if there are no ItemStacks in any slot of this inventory.

max_stack_size int

Returns the maximum stack size for an ItemStack in this inventory.

size int

Returns the size of the inventory

contents property

contents: list[ItemStack]

Returns all ItemStacks from the inventory

is_empty property

is_empty: bool

Check whether this inventory is empty. An inventory is considered to be empty if there are no ItemStacks in any slot of this inventory.

max_stack_size property

max_stack_size: int

Returns the maximum stack size for an ItemStack in this inventory.

size property

size: int

Returns the size of the inventory


add_item(item: ItemStack) -> None

Stores the given ItemStacks in the inventory. This will try to fill existing stacks and empty slots as well as it can.


clear() -> None

Clears out the whole Inventory.


first(item: ItemStack) -> int

Returns the first slot in the inventory containing an ItemStack with the given stack.


get_item(index: int) -> ItemStack

Returns the ItemStack found in the slot at the given index


set_item(index: int, item: ItemStack) -> None

Stores the ItemStack at the given index of the inventory.


Represents the metadata of a generic item.


Name Description

Creates a clone of the current metadata.


Name Type Description
damage int

Gets or sets the damage.

display_name str | None

Gets or sets the display name.

has_damage bool

Checks to see if this item has damage

has_display_name bool

Checks for existence of a display name.

has_lore bool

Checks for existence of lore.

lore list[str] | None

Gets or sets the lore for this item.

damage property writable

damage: int

Gets or sets the damage.

display_name property writable

display_name: str | None

Gets or sets the display name.

has_damage property

has_damage: bool

Checks to see if this item has damage

has_display_name property

has_display_name: bool

Checks for existence of a display name.

has_lore property

has_lore: bool

Checks for existence of lore.

lore property writable

lore: list[str] | None

Gets or sets the lore for this item.


clone() -> ItemMeta

Creates a clone of the current metadata.


ItemStack(type: str = 'minecraft:air', amount: int = 1)

Represents a stack of items.


Name Description

Set the ItemMeta of this ItemStack.


Name Type Description
amount int

Gets or sets the amount of items in this stack.

item_meta ItemMeta

Gets a copy of the ItemMeta of this ItemStack.

type str

Gets or sets the type of this item.

amount property writable

amount: int

Gets or sets the amount of items in this stack.

item_meta property

item_meta: ItemMeta

Gets a copy of the ItemMeta of this ItemStack.

type property writable

type: str

Gets or sets the type of this item.


set_item_meta(meta: ItemMeta) -> bool

Set the ItemMeta of this ItemStack.


Bases: ItemMeta

Represents the metadata for a map item.


Bases: Inventory

Interface to the inventory of a Player, including the four armor slots and any extra slots.


Name Type Description
boots ItemStack

Gets or sets the ItemStack in the boots slot

chestplate ItemStack

Gets or sets the ItemStack in the chestplate slot

held_item_slot int

Gets or sets the slot number of the currently held item

helmet ItemStack

Gets or sets the ItemStack in the helmet slot

item_in_main_hand ItemStack

Gets or sets the item the player is currently holding in their main hand.

item_in_off_hand ItemStack

Gets or sets the item the player is currently holding in their off hand.

leggings ItemStack

Gets or sets the ItemStack in the leg slot

boots property writable

boots: ItemStack

Gets or sets the ItemStack in the boots slot

chestplate property writable

chestplate: ItemStack

Gets or sets the ItemStack in the chestplate slot

held_item_slot property writable

held_item_slot: int

Gets or sets the slot number of the currently held item

helmet property writable

helmet: ItemStack

Gets or sets the ItemStack in the helmet slot

item_in_main_hand property writable

item_in_main_hand: ItemStack

Gets or sets the item the player is currently holding in their main hand.

item_in_off_hand property writable

item_in_off_hand: ItemStack

Gets or sets the item the player is currently holding in their off hand.

leggings property writable

leggings: ItemStack

Gets or sets the ItemStack in the leg slot