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Namespace endstone

Namespace List > endstone


Type Name
namespace detail


Type Name
class ActionForm
Represents a form with buttons that let the player take action.
class Actor
Represents a base actor in the level.
class ActorDeathEvent
Called when an Actor dies.
class ActorEvent
Represents an Actor-related event.
class ActorKnockbackEvent
Called when a living entity receives knockback.
class ActorRemoveEvent
Called when an Actor is removed.
class ActorSpawnEvent
Called when an Actor is spawned into a world.
class ActorTeleportEvent
Called when a non-player entity is teleported from one location to another.
class Block
Represents a block.
class BlockBreakEvent
Called when a block is broken by a player.
class BlockData
Represents the data related to a live block.
class BlockEvent
Represents an Block-related event.
class BlockPlaceEvent
Called when a block is placed by a player.
class BlockState
Represents a captured state of a block, which will not update automatically.
class BossBar
Represents a boss bar that is displayed to players.
class BroadcastMessageEvent
Event triggered for server broadcast messages such as fromServer::broadcast .
struct ColorFormat
All supported color and format codes.
class Command
Represents a Command , which executes various tasks upon user input.
class CommandExecutor
Represents a class which contains a single method for executing commands.
class CommandMap
Represents a command map that manages all commands of the Server .
class CommandSender
Represents a command sender.
class CommandSenderWrapper
Represents a wrapper that forwards commands to the wrapped CommandSender and captures its output.
class ConsoleCommandSender
Represents a console command sender.
class Criteria
Represents a scoreboard criteria.
class Dimension
Represents a dimension within a Level .
class Dropdown
Represents a dropdown with a set of predefined options.
class Error
Represents an error with a message and the stack trace.
class Event
Represents an event.
class EventHandler
Represents a registered EventHandler which associates with aPlugin .
class Form <typename T>
Represents a generic form.
class HandlerList
A list of event handlers. Should be instantiated on a per-event basis.
class Inventory
Interface to the various inventories.
class ItemStack
Represents a stack of items.
class Label
Represents a text label.
class Level
Represents a level, which may contain actors, chunks and blocks.
class Location
Represents a 3-dimensional location in a dimension within a level.
class Logger
Logger class which can format and output varies levels of logs.
class MessageForm
Represents a form with two buttons.
class Mob
Represents a mobile entity (i.e. living entity), such as a monster or player.
class ModalForm
Represents a modal form with controls.
class Objective
Represents an objective on a scoreboard that can show scores specific to entries.
class Packet
Represents a packet.
class Permissible
Represents an object that may become a server operator and can be assigned permissions.
class Permission
Represents a unique permission that may be attached to a Permissible .
class PermissionAttachment
Holds information about a permission attachment on a Permissible object.
class PermissionAttachmentInfo
Holds information on a permission and which PermissionAttachment provides it.
class Player
Represents a player.
class PlayerChatEvent
Called when a player sends a chat message.
class PlayerCommandEvent
Called whenever a player runs a command.
class PlayerDeathEvent
Called when a Player dies.
class PlayerEvent
Represents a player related event.
class PlayerInteractActorEvent
Represents an event that is called when a player right-clicks an actor.
class PlayerInteractEvent
Represents an event that is called when a player right-clicks a block.
class PlayerInventory
Interface to the inventory of a Player , including the four armor slots and any extra slots.
class PlayerJoinEvent
Called when a player joins a server.
class PlayerKickEvent
Called when a player gets kicked from the server.
class PlayerLoginEvent
Called when a player attempts to login in.
class PlayerQuitEvent
Called when a player leaves a server.
class PlayerTeleportEvent
Called when a player is teleported from one location to another.
class Plugin
Represents a Plugin .
class PluginCommand
Represents a Command belonging to aPlugin .
class PluginDescription
Represents the basic information about a plugin that the plugin loader needs to know.
class PluginDisableEvent
Called when a plugin is disabled.
class PluginEnableEvent
Called when a plugin is enabled.
class PluginLoader
Represents a plugin loader, which handles direct access to specific types of plugins.
class PluginManager
Represents a plugin manager that handles all plugins from the Server .
class Position
Represents a 3-dimensional position in a dimension within a level.
class ProxiedCommandSender
Interface for proxied command sender.
class Scheduler
Represents a scheduler that executes various tasks.
class Score
Represents a score for an objective on a scoreboard.
class Scoreboard
Represents a scoreboard.
class Server
Represents a server implementation.
class ServerCommandEvent
Called when the console runs a command, early in the process.
class ServerEvent
Represents an Server-related event.
class ServerListPingEvent
Called when a server ping is coming in.
class ServerLoadEvent
Called when either the server startup or reload has completed.
class Skin
Represents a player skin.
class Slider
Represents a slider with a label.
class SocketAddress
Represents an IP Socket Address (hostname + port number).
class SpawnParticleEffectPacket
Represents a packet for spawning a particle effect.
class StepSlider
Represents a step slider with a set of predefined options.
class Task
Represents a task being executed by the scheduler.
class TextInput
Represents a text input field.
class ThunderChangeEvent
Called when the thunder state in a world is changing.
class Toggle
Represents a toggle button with a label.
class Translatable
Represents an object with a text representation that can be translated by the Minecraft client.
class UUID
Implementation of Universally Unique Identifier ( UUID )
class Vector <typename T>
Represents a 3-dimensional vector.
class WeatherChangeEvent
Called when the weather (rain) state in a world is changing.
class WeatherEvent
Represents a Weather-related event.
struct overloaded <Func>
Helper type for visitors.

Public Types

Type Name
enum BarColor
enum BarFlag
enum BarStyle
enum BlockFace
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, std::variant< bool, std::string, int > > BlockStates
enum DisplaySlot
Locations for displaying objectives to the player.
enum EventPriority
Represents an event's priority in execution.
enum GameMode
Represents the various type of game modes that Players may have.
typedef std::variant< std::string, Translatable > Message
enum ObjectiveSortOrder
Represents the sort order of objectives on a DisplaySlot.
enum PacketType
Represents the types of packets.
enum PermissionDefault
Represents the possible default values for permissions.
typedef std::function< void(const PermissionAttachment &)> PermissionRemovedExecutor
enum PluginLoadOrder
Represents the order in which a plugin should be initialized and enabled.
enum std::uint8_t RenderType
Controls the way in which an Objective is rendered on the client side.
typedef nonstd::expected< T, Error > Result
typedef std::variant< Player *, Actor *, std::string > ScoreEntry
typedef std::uint32_t TaskId

Public Functions

Type Name
std::size_t hash_value (UUID const & u) noexcept
bool operator!= (UUID const & lhs, UUID const & rhs) noexcept
bool operator< (UUID const & lhs, UUID const & rhs) noexcept
bool operator<= (UUID const & lhs, UUID const & rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (UUID const & lhs, UUID const & rhs) noexcept
bool operator> (UUID const & lhs, UUID const & rhs) noexcept
bool operator>= (UUID const & lhs, UUID const & rhs) noexcept
overloaded (Func...)
Deduction guide.
void swap (UUID & lhs, UUID & rhs) noexcept

Public Types Documentation

enum BarColor

enum endstone::BarColor {
    Pink = 0,
    Blue = 1,
    Red = 2,
    Green = 3,
    Yellow = 4,
    Purple = 5,
    RebeccaPurple = 6,
    White = 7

enum BarFlag

enum endstone::BarFlag {

enum BarStyle

enum endstone::BarStyle {

enum BlockFace

enum endstone::BlockFace {

typedef BlockStates

using endstone::BlockStates = typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::variant<bool, std::string, int> >;

enum DisplaySlot

enum endstone::DisplaySlot {

enum EventPriority

Represents an event's priority in execution.

enum endstone::EventPriority {
    Lowest = 0,
    Low = 1,
    Normal = 2,
    High = 3,
    Highest = 4,
    Monitor = 5

Listeners with lower priority are called first will listeners with higher priority are called last. Listeners are called in following order: LOWEST -> LOW -> NORMAL -> HIGH -> HIGHEST -> MONITOR

enum GameMode

enum endstone::GameMode {
    Survival = 0,
    Creative = 1,
    Adventure = 2,
    Spectator = 3

typedef Message

using endstone::Message = typedef std::variant<std::string, Translatable>;

enum ObjectiveSortOrder

enum endstone::ObjectiveSortOrder {

enum PacketType

enum endstone::PacketType {
    SpawnParticleEffect = 118

enum PermissionDefault

enum endstone::PermissionDefault {

typedef PermissionRemovedExecutor

using endstone::PermissionRemovedExecutor = typedef std::function<void(const PermissionAttachment &)>;

enum PluginLoadOrder

enum endstone::PluginLoadOrder {

enum RenderType

enum endstone::RenderType {

typedef Result

using endstone::Result = typedef nonstd::expected<T, Error>;

typedef ScoreEntry

using endstone::ScoreEntry = typedef std::variant<Player *, Actor *, std::string>;

An entry for a score.

typedef TaskId

using endstone::TaskId = typedef std::uint32_t;

Public Functions Documentation

function hash_value

inline std::size_t endstone::hash_value (
    UUID const & u
) noexcept

function operator!=

inline bool endstone::operator!= (
    UUID const & lhs,
    UUID const & rhs
) noexcept

function operator<

inline bool endstone::operator< (
    UUID const & lhs,
    UUID const & rhs
) noexcept

function operator<=

inline bool endstone::operator<= (
    UUID const & lhs,
    UUID const & rhs
) noexcept

function operator==

inline bool endstone::operator== (
    UUID const & lhs,
    UUID const & rhs
) noexcept

function operator>

inline bool endstone::operator> (
    UUID const & lhs,
    UUID const & rhs
) noexcept

function operator>=

inline bool endstone::operator>= (
    UUID const & lhs,
    UUID const & rhs
) noexcept

function overloaded

Deduction guide.

template<typename... Func>
endstone::overloaded (

Template parameters:

  • Func Types of function objects.

function swap

inline void endstone::swap (
    UUID & lhs,
    UUID & rhs
) noexcept

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/actor/actor.h