Class Hierarchy¶
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
- class endstone::Form Represents a generic form.
- class endstone::ActionForm::Button Represents a button with text and an optional icon.
- class endstone::Permissible Represents an object that may become a server operator and can be assigned permissions.
- class endstone::CommandSender Represents a command sender.
- class endstone::Actor Represents a base actor in the level.
- class endstone::Mob Represents a mobile entity (i.e. living entity), such as a monster or player.
- class endstone::Player Represents a player.
- class endstone::Mob Represents a mobile entity (i.e. living entity), such as a monster or player.
- class endstone::CommandSenderWrapper Represents a wrapper that forwards commands to the wrapped CommandSender and captures its output.
- class endstone::ConsoleCommandSender Represents a console command sender.
- class endstone::ProxiedCommandSender Represents a proxied command sender.
- class endstone::Actor Represents a base actor in the level.
- class endstone::CommandSender Represents a command sender.
- class endstone::ICancellable
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Event Represents an event.
- class endstone::ActorEvent Represents an Actor-related event.
- class endstone::ActorEvent Represents an Actor-related event.
- class endstone::ActorEvent Represents an Actor-related event.
- class endstone::BlockEvent Represents an Block-related event.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::BlockPistonEvent Called when a piston block is triggered.
- class endstone::PlayerEvent Represents a player related event.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::PlayerDeathEvent Called when a Player dies.
- class endstone::PlayerEmoteEvent Called when a player uses an emote.
- class endstone::PlayerJoinEvent Called when a player joins a server.
- class endstone::PlayerQuitEvent Called when a player leaves a server.
- class endstone::PlayerRespawnEvent Called when a player respawns.
- class endstone::ServerEvent Represents a Server-related event.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::PluginDisableEvent Called when a plugin is disabled.
- class endstone::PluginEnableEvent Called when a plugin is enabled.
- class endstone::ServerLoadEvent Called when either the server startup or reload has completed.
- class endstone::WeatherEvent Represents a Weather-related event.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::BanEntry A single entry from a ban list.
- class endstone::IpBanEntry
- class endstone::PlayerBanEntry
- class endstone::BanList Represents a ban list, containing bans.
- class endstone::Block Represents a block.
- class endstone::BlockData Represents the data related to a live block.
- class endstone::BlockState Represents a captured state of a block, which will not update automatically.
- class endstone::BossBar Represents a boss bar that is displayed to players.
- class endstone::Chunk Represents a chunk of blocks.
- class endstone::Command Represents a Command , which executes various tasks upon user input.
- class endstone::PluginCommand Represents a Command belonging to aPlugin .
- class endstone::CommandExecutor Represents a class which contains a single method for executing commands.
- class endstone::Plugin Represents a Plugin .
- class endstone::CommandMap Represents a command map that manages all commands of the Server .
- class endstone::Criteria Represents a scoreboard criteria.
- class endstone::DamageSource Represents a source of damage.
- class endstone::Dimension Represents a dimension within a Level .
- class endstone::Dropdown Represents a dropdown with a set of predefined options.
- class endstone::StepSlider Represents a step slider with a set of predefined options.
- class endstone::Error Represents an error with a message and the stack trace.
- class endstone::EventHandler Represents a registered EventHandler which associates with aPlugin .
- class endstone::HandlerList A list of event handlers. Should be instantiated on a per-event basis.
- class endstone::Inventory Interface to the various inventories.
- class endstone::PlayerInventory Interface to the inventory of a Player , including the four armor slots and any extra slots.
- class endstone::ItemFactory
- class endstone::ItemMeta Represents the metadata of a generic item.
- class endstone::MapMeta Represents the metadata for a map item.
- class endstone::ItemStack Represents a stack of items.
- class endstone::Label Represents a text label.
- class endstone::Language Represents the interface for translating text into different languages.
- class endstone::Level Represents a level, which may contain actors, chunks and blocks.
- class endstone::Vector Represents a 3-dimensional vector.
- class endstone::Logger Logger class which can format and output varies levels of logs.
- class endstone::Objective Represents an objective on a scoreboard that can show scores specific to entries.
- class endstone::OfflinePlayer Represents a reference to a player identity and the data belonging to a player that is stored on the disk and can, thus, be retrieved without the player needing to be online.
- class endstone::Player Represents a player.
- class endstone::Permission Represents a unique permission that may be attached to a Permissible .
- class endstone::PermissionAttachment Holds information about a permission attachment on a Permissible object.
- class endstone::PermissionAttachmentInfo Holds information on a permission and which PermissionAttachment provides it.
- class endstone::PluginDescription Represents the basic information about a plugin that the plugin loader needs to know.
- class endstone::PluginLoader Represents a plugin loader, which handles direct access to specific types of plugins.
- class endstone::PluginManager Represents a plugin manager that handles all plugins from the Server .
- class endstone::Scheduler Represents a scheduler that executes various tasks.
- class endstone::Score Represents a score for an objective on a scoreboard.
- class endstone::Server Represents a server implementation.
- class endstone::ServiceManager Represent a service manager that manages services and service providers.
- class endstone::Skin Represents a player skin.
- class endstone::Slider Represents a slider with a label.
- class endstone::SocketAddress Represents an IP Socket Address (hostname + port number).
- class endstone::Task Represents a task being executed by the scheduler.
- class endstone::TextInput Represents a text input field.
- class endstone::Toggle Represents a toggle button with a label.
- class endstone::Translatable Represents an object with a text representation that can be translated by the Minecraft client.
- class endstone::UUID Implementation of Universally Unique Identifier ( UUID )
- class endstone::detail::CommandBuilder
- class endstone::detail::PermissionBuilder
- struct endstone::ColorFormat All supported color and format codes.
- struct endstone::Skin::ImageData
- struct endstone::detail::PluginDescriptionBuilder
- struct std::hash< endstone::UUID >
- class EventType
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class endstone::Cancellable A type characterizing events that may be cancelled by a plugin or the server.
- class std::enable_shared_from_this< Scoreboard >
- class endstone::Scoreboard Represents a scoreboard.
- class std::enable_shared_from_this< Service >
- class endstone::Service Services represent a list of methods.
- class endstone::Func
- struct endstone::overloaded Helper type for visitors.
- class formatter< string_view >
- struct fmt::formatter< endstone::Actor >
- struct fmt::formatter< endstone::Block >
- struct fmt::formatter< endstone::BlockData >
- struct fmt::formatter< endstone::BlockState >
- struct fmt::formatter< endstone::BlockStates >
- struct fmt::formatter< endstone::BlockStates::mapped_type >
- struct fmt::formatter< endstone::BlockStates::value_type >
- struct fmt::formatter< endstone::DamageSource >
- struct fmt::formatter< endstone::ItemStack >