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Class endstone::SpawnParticleEffectPacket

ClassList > endstone > SpawnParticleEffectPacket

Represents a packet for spawning a particle effect.

  • #include <endstone/network/spawn_particle_effect_packet.h>

Inherits the following classes: endstone::Packet

Public Attributes

Type Name
std::int64_t actor_id = {-1}
int dimension_id
std::string effect_name
std::optional< std::string > molang_variables_json
Vector< float > position

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual PacketType getType () override const
Gets the type of the packet.

Public Functions inherited from endstone::Packet

See endstone::Packet

Type Name
virtual PacketType getType () const = 0
Gets the type of the packet.
virtual ~Packet () = default

Public Attributes Documentation

variable actor_id

std::int64_t endstone::SpawnParticleEffectPacket::actor_id;

variable dimension_id

int endstone::SpawnParticleEffectPacket::dimension_id;

variable effect_name

std::string endstone::SpawnParticleEffectPacket::effect_name;

variable molang_variables_json

std::optional<std::string> endstone::SpawnParticleEffectPacket::molang_variables_json;

variable position

Vector<float> endstone::SpawnParticleEffectPacket::position;

Public Functions Documentation

function getType

Gets the type of the packet.

inline virtual PacketType endstone::SpawnParticleEffectPacket::getType () override const


The type of the packet.

Implements endstone::Packet::getType

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/network/spawn_particle_effect_packet.h