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Class endstone::Server

ClassList > endstone > Server

Represents a server implementation.

  • #include <endstone/server.h>

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
const std::string BroadcastChannelAdmin = = "endstone.broadcast.admin"
Used for all administrative messages, such as an operator using a command.
const std::string BroadcastChannelUser = = "endstone.broadcast.user"
Used for all announcement messages, such as informing users that a player has joined.

Public Functions

Type Name
Server () = default
Server (const Server &) = delete
virtual void broadcast (const Message & message, const std::string & permission) const = 0
Broadcasts the specified message to every user with the given permission name.
virtual void broadcastMessage (const Message & message) const = 0
Broadcasts the specified message to every user with permission endstone.broadcast.user.
void broadcastMessage (const fmt::format_string< Args... > format, Args &&... args) const
virtual Result< std::shared_ptr< BlockData > > createBlockData (std::string type) const = 0
Creates a new BlockData instance for the specified block type, with all properties initialized to defaults.
virtual Result< std::shared_ptr< BlockData > > createBlockData (std::string type, BlockStates block_states) const = 0
Creates a new BlockData instance for the specified block type, with all properties initialized to defaults, except for those provided in data.
virtual std::unique_ptr< BossBar > createBossBar (std::string title, BarColor color, BarStyle style) const = 0
Creates a boss bar instance to display to players. The progress defaults to 1.0.
virtual std::unique_ptr< BossBar > createBossBar (std::string title, BarColor color, BarStyle style, std::vector< BarFlag > flags) const = 0
Creates a boss bar instance to display to players. The progress defaults to 1.0.
virtual std::shared_ptr< Scoreboard > createScoreboard () = 0
Creates a new Scoreboard to be tracked by the server.
virtual bool dispatchCommand (CommandSender & sender, std::string command_line) const = 0
Dispatches a command on this server, and executes it if found.
virtual float getAverageMillisecondsPerTick () = 0
Gets the average milliseconds per tick (MSPT).
virtual float getAverageTickUsage () = 0
Gets the average tick usage of the server.
virtual float getAverageTicksPerSecond () = 0
Gets the average ticks per second (TPS).
virtual ConsoleCommandSender & getCommandSender () const = 0
Gets a CommandSender for this server.
virtual float getCurrentMillisecondsPerTick () = 0
Gets the current milliseconds per tick (MSPT).
virtual float getCurrentTickUsage () = 0
Gets the current tick usage of the server.
virtual float getCurrentTicksPerSecond () = 0
Gets the current ticks per second (TPS).
virtual Level * getLevel () const = 0
Gets the server level.
virtual Logger & getLogger () const = 0
Returns the primary logger associated with this server instance.
virtual int getMaxPlayers () const = 0
Get the maximum amount of players which can login to this server.
virtual std::string getMinecraftVersion () const = 0
Gets the Minecraft version that this server is running.
virtual std::string getName () const = 0
Gets the name of this server implementation.
virtual bool getOnlineMode () const = 0
Gets whether the Server is in online mode or not.
virtual std::vector< Player * > getOnlinePlayers () const = 0
Gets a list of all currently online players.
virtual Player * getPlayer (endstone::UUID id) const = 0
Gets the player with the given UUID .
virtual Player * getPlayer (std::string name) const = 0
Gets the player with the exact given name, case-insensitive.
virtual PluginCommand * getPluginCommand (std::string name) const = 0
Gets a PluginCommand with the given name or alias.
virtual PluginManager & getPluginManager () const = 0
Gets the plugin manager for interfacing with plugins.
virtual Scheduler & getScheduler () const = 0
Gets the scheduler for managing scheduled events.
virtual Scoreboard * getScoreboard () const = 0
Gets the primary Scoreboard controlled by the server.
virtual std::chrono::system_clock::time_point getStartTime () = 0
Gets the start time of the server.
virtual std::string getVersion () const = 0
Gets the version string of this server implementation.
virtual bool isPrimaryThread () const = 0
Checks the current thread against the expected primary server thread.
Server & operator= (const Server &) = delete
virtual void reload () = 0
Reloads the server configuration, functions, scripts and plugins.
virtual void reloadData () = 0
Reload only the Minecraft data for the server.
virtual Result< void > setMaxPlayers (int max_players) = 0
Set the maximum amount of players allowed to be logged in at once.
virtual void shutdown () = 0
Shutdowns the server, stopping everything.
virtual ~Server () = default

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable BroadcastChannelAdmin

const std::string endstone::Server::BroadcastChannelAdmin;

variable BroadcastChannelUser

const std::string endstone::Server::BroadcastChannelUser;

Public Functions Documentation

function Server [½]

endstone::Server::Server () = default

function Server [2/2]

endstone::Server::Server (
    const Server &
) = delete

function broadcast

Broadcasts the specified message to every user with the given permission name.

virtual void endstone::Server::broadcast (
    const Message & message,
    const std::string & permission
) const = 0


  • message message to broadcast
  • permission the required permission Permissibles must have to receive the broadcast

function broadcastMessage [½]

Broadcasts the specified message to every user with permission endstone.broadcast.user.

virtual void endstone::Server::broadcastMessage (
    const Message & message
) const = 0


  • message the message

function broadcastMessage [2/2]

template<typename... Args>
inline void endstone::Server::broadcastMessage (
    const fmt::format_string< Args... > format,
    Args &&... args
) const

function createBlockData [½]

Creates a new BlockData instance for the specified block type, with all properties initialized to defaults.

virtual Result< std::shared_ptr< BlockData > > endstone::Server::createBlockData (
    std::string type
) const = 0


  • type the block type


new data instance

function createBlockData [2/2]

Creates a new BlockData instance for the specified block type, with all properties initialized to defaults, except for those provided in data.

virtual Result< std::shared_ptr< BlockData > > endstone::Server::createBlockData (
    std::string type,
    BlockStates block_states
) const = 0


  • type the block type
  • block_states block states, for example {"old_leaf_type":"birch", "persistent_bit":true}


new data instance

function createBossBar [½]

Creates a boss bar instance to display to players. The progress defaults to 1.0.

virtual std::unique_ptr< BossBar > endstone::Server::createBossBar (
    std::string title,
    BarColor color,
    BarStyle style
) const = 0


  • title the title of the boss bar
  • color the color of the boss bar
  • style the style of the boss bar


the created boss bar

function createBossBar [2/2]

Creates a boss bar instance to display to players. The progress defaults to 1.0.

virtual std::unique_ptr< BossBar > endstone::Server::createBossBar (
    std::string title,
    BarColor color,
    BarStyle style,
    std::vector< BarFlag > flags
) const = 0


  • title the title of the boss bar
  • color the color of the boss bar
  • style the style of the boss bar
  • flags a list of flags to set on the boss bar


the created boss bar

function createScoreboard

Creates a new Scoreboard to be tracked by the server.

virtual std::shared_ptr< Scoreboard > endstone::Server::createScoreboard () = 0

This will not be saved by the server and is not affected by the /scoreboard command.


the newly created Scoreboard

function dispatchCommand

Dispatches a command on this server, and executes it if found.

virtual bool endstone::Server::dispatchCommand (
    CommandSender & sender,
    std::string command_line
) const = 0


  • sender the apparent sender of the command
  • command_line the command + arguments.


true if execution is successful, false otherwise

function getAverageMillisecondsPerTick

Gets the average milliseconds per tick (MSPT).

virtual float endstone::Server::getAverageMillisecondsPerTick () = 0


The average number of milliseconds per tick.

function getAverageTickUsage

Gets the average tick usage of the server.

virtual float endstone::Server::getAverageTickUsage () = 0


The average tick usage in percentage.

function getAverageTicksPerSecond

Gets the average ticks per second (TPS).

virtual float endstone::Server::getAverageTicksPerSecond () = 0


The average ticks per second

function getCommandSender

Gets a CommandSender for this server.

virtual ConsoleCommandSender & endstone::Server::getCommandSender () const = 0


a console command sender

function getCurrentMillisecondsPerTick

Gets the current milliseconds per tick (MSPT).

virtual float endstone::Server::getCurrentMillisecondsPerTick () = 0


The average current of milliseconds per tick.

function getCurrentTickUsage

Gets the current tick usage of the server.

virtual float endstone::Server::getCurrentTickUsage () = 0


The current tick usage in percentage.

function getCurrentTicksPerSecond

Gets the current ticks per second (TPS).

virtual float endstone::Server::getCurrentTicksPerSecond () = 0


The current ticks per second

function getLevel

Gets the server level.

virtual Level * endstone::Server::getLevel () const = 0


the server level

function getLogger

Returns the primary logger associated with this server instance.

virtual Logger & endstone::Server::getLogger () const = 0


Logger associated with this server

function getMaxPlayers

Get the maximum amount of players which can login to this server.

virtual int endstone::Server::getMaxPlayers () const = 0


the amount of players this server allows

function getMinecraftVersion

Gets the Minecraft version that this server is running.

virtual std::string endstone::Server::getMinecraftVersion () const = 0


version of Minecraft

function getName

Gets the name of this server implementation.

virtual std::string endstone::Server::getName () const = 0


name of this server implementation

function getOnlineMode

Gets whether the Server is in online mode or not.

virtual bool endstone::Server::getOnlineMode () const = 0


true if the server authenticates clients, false otherwise

function getOnlinePlayers

Gets a list of all currently online players.

virtual std::vector< Player * > endstone::Server::getOnlinePlayers () const = 0


a list of currently online players.

function getPlayer [½]

Gets the player with the given UUID .

virtual Player * endstone::Server::getPlayer (
    endstone::UUID id
) const = 0


  • id UUID of the player to retrieve


a player object if one was found, null otherwise

function getPlayer [2/2]

Gets the player with the exact given name, case-insensitive.

virtual Player * endstone::Server::getPlayer (
    std::string name
) const = 0


  • name Exact name of the player to retrieve


a player object if one was found, null otherwise

function getPluginCommand

Gets a PluginCommand with the given name or alias.

virtual PluginCommand * endstone::Server::getPluginCommand (
    std::string name
) const = 0


  • name the name of the command to retrieve


a plugin command if found, null otherwise

function getPluginManager

Gets the plugin manager for interfacing with plugins.

virtual PluginManager & endstone::Server::getPluginManager () const = 0


a plugin manager for this Server instance

function getScheduler

Gets the scheduler for managing scheduled events.

virtual Scheduler & endstone::Server::getScheduler () const = 0


a scheduling service for this server

function getScoreboard

Gets the primary Scoreboard controlled by the server.

virtual Scoreboard * endstone::Server::getScoreboard () const = 0

This Scoreboard is saved by the server, is affected by the /scoreboard command, and is the scoreboard shown by default to players. This will only exist after the level has been loaded.


the default server scoreboard

function getStartTime

Gets the start time of the server.

virtual std::chrono::system_clock::time_point endstone::Server::getStartTime () = 0


The start time of the server。

function getVersion

Gets the version string of this server implementation.

virtual std::string endstone::Server::getVersion () const = 0


version of this server implementation

function isPrimaryThread

Checks the current thread against the expected primary server thread.

virtual bool endstone::Server::isPrimaryThread () const = 0


true if the current thread matches the expected primary thread, false otherwise

function operator=

Server & endstone::Server::operator= (
    const Server &
) = delete

function reload

virtual void endstone::Server::reload () = 0

function reloadData

Reload only the Minecraft data for the server.

virtual void endstone::Server::reloadData () = 0

This includes functions and script files from all behaviour packs.

function setMaxPlayers

Set the maximum amount of players allowed to be logged in at once.

virtual Result< void > endstone::Server::setMaxPlayers (
    int max_players
) = 0


  • max_players The maximum amount of concurrent players

function shutdown

virtual void endstone::Server::shutdown () = 0

function ~Server

virtual endstone::Server::~Server () = default

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/server.h