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Class endstone::Scheduler

ClassList > endstone > Scheduler

Represents a scheduler that executes various tasks.

  • #include <endstone/scheduler/scheduler.h>

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual void cancelTask (TaskId id) = 0
virtual void cancelTasks (Plugin & plugin) = 0
virtual std::vector< Task * > getPendingTasks () = 0
virtual bool isQueued (TaskId id) = 0
virtual bool isRunning (TaskId id) = 0
virtual std::shared_ptr< Task > runTask (Plugin & plugin, std::function< void()> task) = 0
virtual std::shared_ptr< Task > runTaskAsync (Plugin & plugin, std::function< void()> task) = 0
Returns a task that will be executed asynchronously on the next server tick.
virtual std::shared_ptr< Task > runTaskLater (Plugin & plugin, std::function< void()> task, std::uint64_t delay) = 0
virtual std::shared_ptr< Task > runTaskLaterAsync (Plugin & plugin, std::function< void()> task, std::uint64_t delay) = 0
Returns a task that will be executed asynchronously after the specified number of server ticks.
virtual std::shared_ptr< Task > runTaskTimer (Plugin & plugin, std::function< void()> task, std::uint64_t delay, std::uint64_t period) = 0
virtual std::shared_ptr< Task > runTaskTimerAsync (Plugin & plugin, std::function< void()> task, std::uint64_t delay, std::uint64_t period) = 0
Returns a task that will be executed repeatedly (and asynchronously) until cancelled, starting after the specified number of server ticks.
virtual ~Scheduler () = default

Public Functions Documentation

function cancelTask

virtual void endstone::Scheduler::cancelTask (
    TaskId id
) = 0

Removes task from scheduler.


  • taskId Id number of task to be removed

function cancelTasks

virtual void endstone::Scheduler::cancelTasks (
    Plugin & plugin
) = 0

Removes all tasks associated with a particular plugin from the scheduler.


  • plugin Owner of tasks to be removed

function getPendingTasks

virtual std::vector< Task * > endstone::Scheduler::getPendingTasks () = 0

Returns a vector of all pending tasks.

The ordering of the tasks is NOT related to their order of execution.


Pending tasks

function isQueued

virtual bool endstone::Scheduler::isQueued (
    TaskId id
) = 0

Check if the task queued to be run later.


  • taskId The task to check.


If the task is queued to be run.

function isRunning

virtual bool endstone::Scheduler::isRunning (
    TaskId id
) = 0

Check if the task currently running.


  • taskId The task to check.


If the task is currently running.

function runTask

virtual std::shared_ptr< Task > endstone::Scheduler::runTask (
    Plugin & plugin,
    std::function< void()> task
) = 0

Returns a task that will be executed synchronously on the next server tick.


  • plugin the reference to the plugin scheduling task
  • task the task to be run


a Task that contains the id number (nullptr if task is empty)

function runTaskAsync

Returns a task that will be executed asynchronously on the next server tick.

virtual std::shared_ptr< Task > endstone::Scheduler::runTaskAsync (
    Plugin & plugin,
    std::function< void()> task
) = 0


Asynchronous tasks should never access any Endstone API


  • plugin the reference to the plugin scheduling task
  • task the task to be run


a Task that contains the id number (nullptr if task is empty)

function runTaskLater

virtual std::shared_ptr< Task > endstone::Scheduler::runTaskLater (
    Plugin & plugin,
    std::function< void()> task,
    std::uint64_t delay
) = 0

Returns a task that will be executed synchronously after the specified number of server ticks.


  • plugin the reference to the plugin scheduling task
  • task the task to be run
  • delay the ticks to wait before running the task


a Task that contains the id number (nullptr if task is empty)

function runTaskLaterAsync

Returns a task that will be executed asynchronously after the specified number of server ticks.

virtual std::shared_ptr< Task > endstone::Scheduler::runTaskLaterAsync (
    Plugin & plugin,
    std::function< void()> task,
    std::uint64_t delay
) = 0


Asynchronous tasks should never access any Endstone API


  • plugin the reference to the plugin scheduling task
  • task the task to be run
  • delay the ticks to wait before running the task


a Task that contains the id number (nullptr if task is empty)

function runTaskTimer

virtual std::shared_ptr< Task > endstone::Scheduler::runTaskTimer (
    Plugin & plugin,
    std::function< void()> task,
    std::uint64_t delay,
    std::uint64_t period
) = 0

Returns a task that will be executed repeatedly (and synchronously) until cancelled, starting after the specified number of server ticks.


  • plugin the reference to the plugin scheduling task
  • task the task to be run
  • delay the ticks to wait before running the task
  • period the ticks to wait between runs


a Task that contains the id number (nullptr if task is empty)

function runTaskTimerAsync

Returns a task that will be executed repeatedly (and asynchronously) until cancelled, starting after the specified number of server ticks.

virtual std::shared_ptr< Task > endstone::Scheduler::runTaskTimerAsync (
    Plugin & plugin,
    std::function< void()> task,
    std::uint64_t delay,
    std::uint64_t period
) = 0


Asynchronous tasks should never access any Endstone API


  • plugin the reference to the plugin scheduling task
  • task the task to be run
  • delay the ticks to wait before running the task
  • period the ticks to wait between runs


a Task that contains the id number (nullptr if task is empty)

function ~Scheduler

virtual endstone::Scheduler::~Scheduler () = default

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/scheduler/scheduler.h