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Class endstone::ProxiedCommandSender

ClassList > endstone > ProxiedCommandSender

Interface for proxied command sender.

  • #include <endstone/command/proxied_command_sender.h>

Inherits the following classes: endstone::CommandSender

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual CommandSender & getCallee () const = 0
Returns the CommandSender which is being used to call the command.
virtual CommandSender & getCaller () const = 0
Returns the CommandSender which triggered this proxied command.

Public Functions inherited from endstone::CommandSender

See endstone::CommandSender

Type Name
virtual Actor * asActor () const
Gets a CommandSender asActor .
virtual CommandSender * asCommandSender () override const
Casts a Permissible asCommandSender .
virtual ConsoleCommandSender * asConsole () const
Gets a CommandSender as Console.
virtual Player * asPlayer () const
Gets a CommandSender asPlayer .
virtual std::string getName () const = 0
Gets the name of this command sender.
virtual Server & getServer () const = 0
Returns the server instance that this command is running on.
virtual void sendErrorMessage (const Message & message) const = 0
Sends this sender a error message.
void sendErrorMessage (const fmt::format_string< Args... > format, Args &&... args) const
virtual void sendMessage (const Message & message) const = 0
Sends this sender a message.
void sendMessage (const fmt::format_string< Args... > format, Args &&... args) const

Public Functions inherited from endstone::Permissible

See endstone::Permissible

Type Name
virtual Result< PermissionAttachment * > addAttachment (Plugin & plugin, const std::string & name, bool value) = 0
virtual Result< PermissionAttachment * > addAttachment (Plugin & plugin) = 0
virtual CommandSender * asCommandSender () const = 0
Casts a Permissible asCommandSender .
virtual std::unordered_set< PermissionAttachmentInfo * > getEffectivePermissions () const = 0
virtual bool hasPermission (std::string name) const = 0
virtual bool hasPermission (const Permission & perm) const = 0
virtual bool isOp () const = 0
Checks if this object is a server operator.
virtual bool isPermissionSet (std::string name) const = 0
virtual bool isPermissionSet (const Permission & perm) const = 0
virtual void recalculatePermissions () = 0
virtual Result< void > removeAttachment (PermissionAttachment & attachment) = 0
virtual void setOp (bool value) = 0
Sets the operator status of this object.
virtual ~Permissible () = default

Public Functions Documentation

function getCallee

Returns the CommandSender which is being used to call the command.

virtual CommandSender & endstone::ProxiedCommandSender::getCallee () const = 0


a shared pointer to the caller which the command is being run as

function getCaller

Returns the CommandSender which triggered this proxied command.

virtual CommandSender & endstone::ProxiedCommandSender::getCaller () const = 0


a shared pointer to the caller which triggered the command

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/command/proxied_command_sender.h