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Class endstone::PluginDescription

ClassList > endstone > PluginDescription

Represents the basic information about a plugin that the plugin loader needs to know.

  • #include <endstone/plugin/plugin_description.h>

Public Functions

Type Name
PluginDescription (std::string name, std::string version, std::string description="", PluginLoadOrder load=PluginLoadOrder::PostWorld, std::vector< std::string > authors={}, std::vector< std::string > contributors={}, std::string website="", std::string prefix="", std::vector< std::string > provides={}, std::vector< std::string > depend={}, std::vector< std::string > soft_depend={}, std::vector< std::string > load_before={}, PermissionDefault default_permission=PermissionDefault::Operator, std::vector< Command > commands={}, std::vector< Permission > permissions={})
std::string getAPIVersion () const
std::vector< std::string > getAuthors () const
std::vector< Command > getCommands () const
std::vector< std::string > getContributors () const
PermissionDefault getDefaultPermission () const
std::vector< std::string > getDepend () const
std::string getDescription () const
std::string getFullName () const
PluginLoadOrder getLoad () const
std::vector< std::string > getLoadBefore () const
std::string getName () const
std::vector< Permission > getPermissions () const
std::string getPrefix () const
std::vector< std::string > getProvides () const
std::vector< std::string > getSoftDepend () const
std::string getVersion () const
std::string getWebsite () const

Public Functions Documentation

function PluginDescription

inline endstone::PluginDescription::PluginDescription (
    std::string name,
    std::string version,
    std::string description="",
    PluginLoadOrder load=PluginLoadOrder::PostWorld,
    std::vector< std::string > authors={},
    std::vector< std::string > contributors={},
    std::string website="",
    std::string prefix="",
    std::vector< std::string > provides={},
    std::vector< std::string > depend={},
    std::vector< std::string > soft_depend={},
    std::vector< std::string > load_before={},
    PermissionDefault default_permission=PermissionDefault::Operator,
    std::vector< Command > commands={},
    std::vector< Permission > permissions={}

function getAPIVersion

inline std::string endstone::PluginDescription::getAPIVersion () const

Gives the API version which this plugin is designed to support.


the API version supported by the plugin

function getAuthors

inline std::vector< std::string > endstone::PluginDescription::getAuthors () const

Gives the list of authors for the plugin.


an immutable list of the plugin's authors

function getCommands

inline std::vector< Command > endstone::PluginDescription::getCommands () const

Gives the list of commands the plugin will register at runtime.


the commands this plugin will register

function getContributors

inline std::vector< std::string > endstone::PluginDescription::getContributors () const

Gives the list of contributors for the plugin.


an immutable list of the plugin's contributions

function getDefaultPermission

inline PermissionDefault endstone::PluginDescription::getDefaultPermission () const

Gives the default value of permissions registered for the plugin.


the default value for the plugin's permissions

function getDepend

inline std::vector< std::string > endstone::PluginDescription::getDepend () const

Gives a list of other plugins that the plugin requires.


immutable list of the plugin's dependencies

function getDescription

inline std::string endstone::PluginDescription::getDescription () const

Gives a human-friendly description of the functionality the plugin provides.


description of this plugin, or empty if not specified

function getFullName

inline std::string endstone::PluginDescription::getFullName () const

Returns the name of a plugin, including the version.


a descriptive name of the plugin and respective version

function getLoad

inline PluginLoadOrder endstone::PluginDescription::getLoad () const

Gives the phase of server startup that the plugin should be loaded.


the phase when the plugin should be loaded

function getLoadBefore

inline std::vector< std::string > endstone::PluginDescription::getLoadBefore () const

Gets the list of plugins that should consider this plugin a soft-dependency.


immutable list of plugins that should consider this plugin a soft-dependency

function getName

inline std::string endstone::PluginDescription::getName () const

Gives the name of the plugin. This name is a unique identifier for plugins.


the name of the plugin

function getPermissions

inline std::vector< Permission > endstone::PluginDescription::getPermissions () const

Gives the list of permissions the plugin will register at runtime, immediately proceeding enabling.


the permissions this plugin will register

function getPrefix

inline std::string endstone::PluginDescription::getPrefix () const

Gives the token to prefix plugin-specific logging messages with.


the prefixed logging token, or empty if not specified

function getProvides

inline std::vector< std::string > endstone::PluginDescription::getProvides () const

Gives the list of other plugin APIs which this plugin provides. These are usable for other plugins to depend on.


immutable list of the plugin APIs which this plugin provides

function getSoftDepend

inline std::vector< std::string > endstone::PluginDescription::getSoftDepend () const

Gives a list of other plugins that the plugin requires for full functionality.


immutable list of the plugin's preferred dependencies

function getVersion

inline std::string endstone::PluginDescription::getVersion () const

Gives the version of the plugin.


the version of the plugin

function getWebsite

inline std::string endstone::PluginDescription::getWebsite () const

Gives the plugin's or plugin's author's website.


the website of this plugin, or empty if not specified

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/plugin/plugin_description.h