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Class endstone::PluginCommand

ClassList > endstone > PluginCommand

Represents a Command belonging to aPlugin .

  • #include <endstone/command/plugin_command.h>

Inherits the following classes: endstone::Command

Public Functions

Type Name
PluginCommand (const Command & command, Plugin & owner)
virtual PluginCommand * asPluginCommand () override const
virtual bool execute (CommandSender & sender, const std::vector< std::string > & args) override const
virtual CommandExecutor & getExecutor () const
Plugin & getPlugin () const
virtual void setExecutor (std::shared_ptr< CommandExecutor > executor)

Public Functions inherited from endstone::Command

See endstone::Command

Type Name
Command (std::string name, std::string description="", std::vector< std::string > usages={}, std::vector< std::string > aliases={}, std::vector< std::string > permissions={})
virtual PluginCommand * asPluginCommand () const
virtual bool execute (CommandSender & sender, const std::vector< std::string > & args) const
std::vector< std::string > getAliases () const
std::string getDescription () const
std::string getName () const
std::vector< std::string > getPermissions () const
std::vector< std::string > getUsages () const
bool isRegistered () const
bool registerTo (CommandMap & command_map)
void setAliases (Alias... aliases)
void setDescription (std::string description)
void setName (std::string name)
void setPermissions (Permission... permissions)
void setUsages (Usage... usages)
bool testPermission (const CommandSender & target) const
bool testPermissionSilently (const CommandSender & target) const
bool unregisterFrom (const CommandMap & command_map)
virtual ~Command () = default

Public Functions Documentation

function PluginCommand

inline endstone::PluginCommand::PluginCommand (
    const Command & command,
    Plugin & owner

function asPluginCommand

inline virtual PluginCommand * endstone::PluginCommand::asPluginCommand () override const

Implements endstone::Command::asPluginCommand

function execute

inline virtual bool endstone::PluginCommand::execute (
    CommandSender & sender,
    const std::vector< std::string > & args
) override const

Executes the command, returning its success


  • sender Source of the command
  • args Arguments passed to the command


true if the execution was successful, otherwise false

Implements endstone::Command::execute

function getExecutor

inline virtual CommandExecutor & endstone::PluginCommand::getExecutor () const

Gets the CommandExecutor associated with this command


CommandExecutor object linked to this command

function getPlugin

inline Plugin & endstone::PluginCommand::getPlugin () const

Gets the owner of this PluginCommand


Plugin that owns this command

function setExecutor

inline virtual void endstone::PluginCommand::setExecutor (
    std::shared_ptr< CommandExecutor > executor

Sets the CommandExecutor to run when parsing this command


  • executor New executor to run

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/command/plugin_command.h