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Class endstone::PermissionAttachment

ClassList > endstone > PermissionAttachment

Holds information about a permission attachment on a Permissible object.

  • #include <endstone/permissions/permission_attachment.h>

Public Functions

Type Name
PermissionAttachment (Plugin & plugin, Permissible & permissible)
Permissible & getPermissible () const
std::unordered_map< std::string, bool > getPermissions () const
Plugin & getPlugin () const
PermissionRemovedExecutor getRemovalCallback () const
bool remove ()
void setPermission (std::string name, bool value)
void setPermission (Permission & perm, bool value)
void setRemovalCallback (PermissionRemovedExecutor ex)
void unsetPermission (std::string name)
void unsetPermission (Permission & perm)

Public Functions Documentation

function PermissionAttachment

inline endstone::PermissionAttachment::PermissionAttachment (
    Plugin & plugin,
    Permissible & permissible

function getPermissible

inline Permissible & endstone::PermissionAttachment::getPermissible () const

Gets the Permissible that this is attached to


Permissible containing this attachment

function getPermissions

inline std::unordered_map< std::string, bool > endstone::PermissionAttachment::getPermissions () const

Gets a copy of all set permissions and values contained within this attachment. This map may be modified but will not affect the attachment, as it is a copy.


Copy of all permissions and values expressed by this attachment

function getPlugin

inline Plugin & endstone::PermissionAttachment::getPlugin () const

Gets the plugin responsible for this attachment


Plugin responsible for this permission attachment

function getRemovalCallback

inline PermissionRemovedExecutor endstone::PermissionAttachment::getRemovalCallback () const

Gets the class that was previously set to be called when this attachment was removed from a Permissible. May be empty.


Executor to be called when this is removed

function remove

inline bool endstone::PermissionAttachment::remove () 

Removes this attachment from its registered Permissible


true if the permissible was removed successfully, false if it did not exist

function setPermission [½]

inline void endstone::PermissionAttachment::setPermission (
    std::string name,
    bool value

Sets a permission to the given value, by its fully qualified name


  • name Name of the permission
  • value New value of the permission

function setPermission [2/2]

inline void endstone::PermissionAttachment::setPermission (
    Permission & perm,
    bool value

Sets a permission to the given value


  • perm Permission to set
  • value New value of the permission

function setRemovalCallback

inline void endstone::PermissionAttachment::setRemovalCallback (
    PermissionRemovedExecutor ex

Sets an executor to be called for when this attachment is removed from a Permissible. May be empty.


  • ex Executor to be called when this is removed

function unsetPermission [½]

inline void endstone::PermissionAttachment::unsetPermission (
    std::string name

Removes the specified permission from this attachment. If the permission does not exist in this attachment, nothing will happen.


  • name Name of the permission to remove

function unsetPermission [2/2]

inline void endstone::PermissionAttachment::unsetPermission (
    Permission & perm

Removes the specified permission from this attachment. If the permission does not exist in this attachment, nothing will happen.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/permissions/permission_attachment.h