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Class endstone::OfflinePlayer

ClassList > endstone > OfflinePlayer

Represents a reference to a player identity and the data belonging to a player that is stored on the disk and can, thus, be retrieved without the player needing to be online.

  • #include <endstone/offline_player.h>

Inherited by the following classes: endstone::Player

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual std::string getName () const = 0
Returns the name of this player.
virtual UUID getUniqueId () const = 0
Returns the UUID of this player.
virtual ~OfflinePlayer () = default

Public Functions Documentation

function getName

Returns the name of this player.

virtual std::string endstone::OfflinePlayer::getName () const = 0


Player name or null if we have not seen a name for this player yet

function getUniqueId

Returns the UUID of this player.

virtual UUID endstone::OfflinePlayer::getUniqueId () const = 0


Player UUID

function ~OfflinePlayer

virtual endstone::OfflinePlayer::~OfflinePlayer () = default

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/offline_player.h