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Class endstone::Error

ClassList > endstone > Error

Represents an error with a message and the stack trace.

  • #include <endstone/util/error.h>

Public Functions

Type Name
Error (std::string_view message, std::string_view stack_trace)
std::string_view getMessage () noexcept const
Returns the error message.
std::string_view getStackTrace () noexcept const
Returns the stack trace associated with the error.

Public Functions Documentation

function Error

inline endstone::Error::Error (
    std::string_view message,
    std::string_view stack_trace

function getMessage

Returns the error message.

inline std::string_view endstone::Error::getMessage () noexcept const


The error message.

function getStackTrace

Returns the stack trace associated with the error.

inline std::string_view endstone::Error::getStackTrace () noexcept const


The stack trace associated with the error.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/util/error.h