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Class endstone::BlockData

ClassList > endstone > BlockData

Represents the data related to a live block.

  • #include <endstone/block/block_data.h>

Inherits the following classes: std::enable_shared_from_this< BlockData >

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual BlockStates getBlockStates () const = 0
Gets the block states, which when passed into a method such as Server::createBlockData(type, block_states) will unambiguously recreate this instance.
virtual std::string getType () const = 0
Get the block type represented by this block data.
virtual ~BlockData () = default

Public Functions Documentation

function getBlockStates

Gets the block states, which when passed into a method such as Server::createBlockData(type, block_states) will unambiguously recreate this instance.

virtual BlockStates endstone::BlockData::getBlockStates () const = 0


the block states for this block

function getType

Get the block type represented by this block data.

virtual std::string endstone::BlockData::getType () const = 0


the block type

function ~BlockData

virtual endstone::BlockData::~BlockData () = default

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/block/block_data.h