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Class endstone::Block

ClassList > endstone > Block

Represents a block. More...

  • #include <endstone/block/block.h>

Inherits the following classes: std::enable_shared_from_this< Block >

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual std::unique_ptr< BlockState > captureState () const = 0
virtual std::shared_ptr< BlockData > getData () const = 0
Gets the complete block data for this block.
virtual Dimension & getDimension () const = 0
Gets the dimension which contains this Block .
virtual Location getLocation () const = 0
Gets the Location of the block.
virtual std::shared_ptr< Block > getRelative (int offset_x, int offset_y, int offset_z) = 0
Gets the block at the given offsets.
virtual std::shared_ptr< Block > getRelative (BlockFace face) = 0
Gets the block at the given face.
virtual std::shared_ptr< Block > getRelative (BlockFace face, int distance) = 0
Gets the block at the given distance of the given face.
virtual std::string getType () const = 0
Get the type of the block.
virtual int getX () const = 0
Gets the x-coordinate of this block.
virtual int getY () const = 0
Gets the y-coordinate of this block.
virtual int getZ () const = 0
Gets the z-coordinate of this block.
virtual Result< void > setData (std::shared_ptr< BlockData > data) = 0
Sets the complete data for this block.
virtual Result< void > setData (std::shared_ptr< BlockData > data, bool apply_physics) = 0
Sets the complete data for this block.
virtual Result< void > setType (std::string type) = 0
Sets the type of this block.
virtual Result< void > setType (std::string type, bool apply_physics) = 0
Sets the type of this block.
virtual ~Block () = default

Detailed Description

This is a live object, and only one Block may exist for any given location in a dimension.

Public Functions Documentation

function captureState

virtual std::unique_ptr< BlockState > endstone::Block::captureState () const = 0

Captures the current state of this block.

The returned object will never be updated, and you are not guaranteed that (for example) a sign is still a sign after you capture its state.


BlockState with the current state of this block.

function getData

Gets the complete block data for this block.

virtual std::shared_ptr< BlockData > endstone::Block::getData () const = 0


block specific data

function getDimension

Gets the dimension which contains this Block .

virtual Dimension & endstone::Block::getDimension () const = 0


Dimension containing this block

function getLocation

Gets the Location of the block.

virtual Location endstone::Block::getLocation () const = 0


Location of block

function getRelative [⅓]

Gets the block at the given offsets.

virtual std::shared_ptr< Block > endstone::Block::getRelative (
    int offset_x,
    int offset_y,
    int offset_z
) = 0


  • offset_x X-coordinate offset
  • offset_y Y-coordinate offset
  • offset_z Z-coordinate offset


Block at the given offsets

function getRelative [⅔]

Gets the block at the given face.

virtual std::shared_ptr< Block > endstone::Block::getRelative (
    BlockFace face
) = 0

This method is equal to getRelative(face, 1)


  • face Face of this block to return


Block at the given face

function getRelative [3/3]

Gets the block at the given distance of the given face.

virtual std::shared_ptr< Block > endstone::Block::getRelative (
    BlockFace face,
    int distance
) = 0


  • face Face of this block to return
  • distance Distance to get the block at


Block at the given face

function getType

Get the type of the block.

virtual std::string endstone::Block::getType () const = 0

This method returns the type of the block as a string, for example, minecraft:acacia_stairs.


The type of the block.

function getX

Gets the x-coordinate of this block.

virtual int endstone::Block::getX () const = 0



function getY

Gets the y-coordinate of this block.

virtual int endstone::Block::getY () const = 0



function getZ

Gets the z-coordinate of this block.

virtual int endstone::Block::getZ () const = 0



function setData [½]

Sets the complete data for this block.

virtual Result< void > endstone::Block::setData (
    std::shared_ptr< BlockData > data
) = 0


  • data new block specific data

function setData [2/2]

Sets the complete data for this block.

virtual Result< void > endstone::Block::setData (
    std::shared_ptr< BlockData > data,
    bool apply_physics
) = 0


  • data new block specific data
  • apply_physics False to cancel physics on the changed block.

function setType [½]

Sets the type of this block.

virtual Result< void > endstone::Block::setType (
    std::string type
) = 0


  • type Material to change this block to

function setType [2/2]

Sets the type of this block.

virtual Result< void > endstone::Block::setType (
    std::string type,
    bool apply_physics
) = 0


  • type Material to change this block to
  • apply_physics False to cancel physics on the changed block.

function ~Block

virtual endstone::Block::~Block () = default

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/block/block.h