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Class endstone::ActorTeleportEvent

ClassList > endstone > ActorTeleportEvent

Called when a non-player entity is teleported from one location to another. More...

  • #include <endstone/event/actor/actor_teleport_event.h>

Inherits the following classes: endstone::ActorEvent

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
const std::string NAME = = "ActorTeleportEvent"

Public Functions

Type Name
ActorTeleportEvent (Actor & actor, Location from, Location to)
virtual std::string getEventName () override const
const Location & getFrom () const
Gets the location that this actor moved from.
const Location & getTo () const
Gets the location that this actor moved to.
virtual bool isCancellable () override const
void setFrom (const Location & from)
Sets the location that this actor moved from.
void setTo (const Location & to)
Sets the location that this actor moved to.
~ActorTeleportEvent () override

Public Functions inherited from endstone::ActorEvent

See endstone::ActorEvent

Type Name
ActorEvent (Actor & actor)
Actor & getActor () const
Returns the Actor involved in this event.
~ActorEvent () override

Public Functions inherited from endstone::Event

See endstone::Event

Type Name
Event (bool async=false)
Event (const Event &) = delete
virtual std::string getEventName () const = 0
bool isAsynchronous () const
virtual bool isCancellable () const = 0
bool isCancelled () const
Event & operator= (const Event &) = delete
void setCancelled (bool cancel)
virtual ~Event () = default

Detailed Description

This may be as a result of natural causes (Enderman, Shulker), pathfinding (Wolf), or commands (/teleport).

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable NAME

const std::string endstone::ActorTeleportEvent::NAME;

Public Functions Documentation

function ActorTeleportEvent

inline explicit endstone::ActorTeleportEvent::ActorTeleportEvent (
    Actor & actor,
    Location from,
    Location to

function getEventName

inline virtual std::string endstone::ActorTeleportEvent::getEventName () override const

Gets a user-friendly identifier for this event.


name of this event

Implements endstone::Event::getEventName

function getFrom

Gets the location that this actor moved from.

inline const Location & endstone::ActorTeleportEvent::getFrom () const


Location this actor moved from

function getTo

Gets the location that this actor moved to.

inline const Location & endstone::ActorTeleportEvent::getTo () const


Location this actor moved to

function isCancellable

inline virtual bool endstone::ActorTeleportEvent::isCancellable () override const

Whether the event can be cancelled by a plugin or the server.


true if this event can be cancelled

Implements endstone::Event::isCancellable

function setFrom

Sets the location that this actor moved from.

inline void endstone::ActorTeleportEvent::setFrom (
    const Location & from


  • from New location this actor moved from

function setTo

Sets the location that this actor moved to.

inline void endstone::ActorTeleportEvent::setTo (
    const Location & to


function ~ActorTeleportEvent

endstone::ActorTeleportEvent::~ActorTeleportEvent () override

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/event/actor/actor_teleport_event.h