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Class endstone::ActorRemoveEvent

ClassList > endstone > ActorRemoveEvent

Called when an Actor is removed.More...

  • #include <endstone/event/actor/actor_remove_event.h>

Inherits the following classes: endstone::ActorEvent

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
const std::string NAME = = "ActorRemoveEvent"

Public Functions

Type Name
ActorRemoveEvent (Actor & actor)
virtual std::string getEventName () override const
virtual bool isCancellable () override const
~ActorRemoveEvent () override

Public Functions inherited from endstone::ActorEvent

See endstone::ActorEvent

Type Name
ActorEvent (Actor & actor)
Actor & getActor () const
Returns the Actor involved in this event.
~ActorEvent () override

Public Functions inherited from endstone::Event

See endstone::Event

Type Name
Event (bool async=false)
Event (const Event &) = delete
virtual std::string getEventName () const = 0
bool isAsynchronous () const
virtual bool isCancellable () const = 0
bool isCancelled () const
Event & operator= (const Event &) = delete
void setCancelled (bool cancel)
virtual ~Event () = default

Detailed Description

This event should only be used for monitoring. Modifying the actor during or after this event leads to undefined behaviours. This event will not be called for Players.

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable NAME

const std::string endstone::ActorRemoveEvent::NAME;

Public Functions Documentation

function ActorRemoveEvent

inline explicit endstone::ActorRemoveEvent::ActorRemoveEvent (
    Actor & actor

function getEventName

inline virtual std::string endstone::ActorRemoveEvent::getEventName () override const

Gets a user-friendly identifier for this event.


name of this event

Implements endstone::Event::getEventName

function isCancellable

inline virtual bool endstone::ActorRemoveEvent::isCancellable () override const

Whether the event can be cancelled by a plugin or the server.


true if this event can be cancelled

Implements endstone::Event::isCancellable

function ~ActorRemoveEvent

endstone::ActorRemoveEvent::~ActorRemoveEvent () override

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/event/actor/actor_remove_event.h