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Class endstone::ActorKnockbackEvent

ClassList > endstone > ActorKnockbackEvent

Called when a living entity receives knockback.

  • #include <endstone/event/actor/actor_knockback_event.h>

Inherits the following classes: endstone::Cancellable

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
const std::string NAME = "ActorKnockbackEvent"

Public Functions

Type Name
ActorKnockbackEvent (Mob & mob, Actor * source, Vector< float > knockback)
virtual std::string getEventName () override const
Vector< float > getKnockback () const
Actor * getSource () const
Get the source actor that has caused knockback to the defender, if exists.
void setKnockback (Vector< float > knockback)
Sets the knockback that will be applied to the entity.
~ActorKnockbackEvent () override

Public Functions inherited from endstone::Cancellable

See endstone::Cancellable

Type Name
virtual void cancel ()
Cancel this event. A cancelled event will not be executed in the server, but will still pass to other plugins.
virtual bool isCancelled () const
Gets the cancellation state of this event. A cancelled event will not be executed in the server, but will still pass to other plugins.
virtual void setCancelled (bool cancel)
Sets the cancellation state of this event. A cancelled event will not be executed in the server, but will still pass to other plugins.

Public Functions inherited from endstone::ICancellable

See endstone::ICancellable

Type Name
virtual void cancel () = 0
virtual bool isCancelled () const = 0
virtual void setCancelled (bool cancel) = 0
virtual ~ICancellable () = default

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable NAME

const std::string endstone::ActorKnockbackEvent::NAME;

Public Functions Documentation

function ActorKnockbackEvent

inline explicit endstone::ActorKnockbackEvent::ActorKnockbackEvent (
    Mob & mob,
    Actor * source,
    Vector < float > knockback

function getEventName

inline virtual std::string endstone::ActorKnockbackEvent::getEventName () override const

Gets a user-friendly identifier for this event.


name of this event

Implements endstone::Event::getEventName

function getKnockback

inline Vector < float > endstone::ActorKnockbackEvent::getKnockback () const

Gets the knockback that will be applied to the entity.

Note: this method returns a copy, changes must be applied with setKnockback(Vector)


the knockback

function getSource

Get the source actor that has caused knockback to the defender, if exists.

inline Actor * endstone::ActorKnockbackEvent::getSource () const


actor that caused knockback, or nullptr if the knockback is not caused by an actor.

function setKnockback

Sets the knockback that will be applied to the entity.

inline void endstone::ActorKnockbackEvent::setKnockback (
    Vector < float > knockback


  • knockback the knockback to apply

function ~ActorKnockbackEvent

endstone::ActorKnockbackEvent::~ActorKnockbackEvent () override

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file include/endstone/event/actor/actor_knockback_event.h